Thursday, May 1, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Life is such a funny Dream....

And though they were sad
They rescued everyone
They lifted up the sun
A spoonful weighs a ton
Giving more than they had
The process had begun
A million came from one
The limits now were none
Being drunk on their plan, they lifted up the sun

Forcing it off with their hands
The trapdoor came undone
Above our heads it swung
The privilege had been won
Being drunk on their plan, they lifted up the sun

Yelling as hard as they can
The doubters all were stunned
Heard louder than a gun
The sound they made was love

None of us are here forever. That's just as well because, if we truly were immortal, we would soon get bored with the world... And the world, quite conceivably, would get bored with us. We become boring enough and set in our ways, even when we know that life is temporarily and transient. Current events have raise many questions about the security and reliability of future plans. But what do I want? A life that's completely predictable or one that's full of spontaneous joy and magic? That is the question.

Build it up just to tear it down just to build it up. . . . .

The tent is finished and prepared to come down. As I write my mornings entry from my extended stay hotel I feel and see a storm on the horizon. I have a very hollow feeling today. I think that I am missing home. I have been on the road now for over two months and it is starting to wear on me a bit. I'm also missing someone very special to me as well. Talk about the Monday blahs. I'm just not feeling it today. Ah, all thing must pass, all things I can overcome. 

Where was that thought that freed me yesterday? Why did it not stay? Why do the doors of freedom seemed to have closed on me? How much it take to keep elevated and moving in the right direction. How do I keep from holding my breath, from worry? 

My evening post will arrive upon completion of the days work. I feel as if it will take a long time to accomplish things today.

All things must pass. All things must pass. All things must pass. 
OM                                   OM                                 OM 

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Good Omens

Today, we touched up the tent and put on the finishing touches. We are now preparing to work on the "Sideshow" banners, the entrance banner, and lighting for the outside of the tent tomorrow. Oh, and we are going to completely tear the tent down and rebuild it to make sure that we are all on the same page as far as putting it back together.

So after we were finished today I stuck around by myself waiting for Chris and Wayne to return from the Home Depot. As I waited I coiled up miles of power cables left behind from the PA System and Lighting. Well I looked up and in walks this chicken. Jake saw him walk in the tent and came in. At that moment the chicken decided to jump up on my shoulder. He had no intentions of leaving either. I'm not quite sure what to make of this. I'm not certain but I don't think that chickens generally hop onto humans shoulders and hang out. What the hell kind of Pirate would this make me? Maybe in some cultures this is good luck, maybe the bird new that I was a vegetarian and took refuge with me knowing that Jake had chicken curry for lunch. 

Chickens are weird, this one taking the cake. He literally did not want to leave my shoulder. It didn't bother me too much so I let him hang out for a while. I finally asked him to get off of my shoulder. Wayne's wife Michelle brought out some bird feed for him and he seemed quite content to eat it. I have a feeling that he is now a resident of the compound. 

I have decided to name him Bingo. As I finished coiling cables and making sure that everything was put away Bingo just followed me around. He'd peck at the ground and make some chicken noise and then look up at me as if I had some answer to some question that he had. Maybe I do, maybe all I really need to do is figure out the question. I often think that we always have the answers, it's just the questions that we ask ourselves are the wrong ones.

Well, I hope that Bingo does ok tonight. Wayne has cats. Wayne's cats are sort of fat so I don't think they will catch him. Bingo's pretty quick. 

Full Moon's and wandering chickens

Circus tents and Santa Claus 

Santa Clause and Aliens

Christmas on Mars.

I think Bingo is a good omen. 

Happy 420

The Tent still has many transformations to undergo. This is just a start.
We are going to take the green lights that are around it and send them up the edges towards the top on each seam. We are also going to have flags at the two mast points on top. We will also have our own popcorn vending outside of it with popcorn served up in special Flaming Lips popcorn bags which Chris and I are going to make at home in Portland at his letter press shop along with special Flaming Lips Christmas on Mars tickets that will allow entry into each showing. We are starting the first showing at 12:00 am and continuing on until 6:00am. Which at that point I suggested that we Do a Breakfast on Mars showing serving breakfast to the folks who have made it through the night and are ready to sleep for the afternoon until the show starts. (I highly doubt that my suggestion was given much thought other then a "Hey that's a good idea, a laugh, and well, really breakfast for three hundred people? Even the Lips aren't that crazy.")

The inside picture here is rough but it gives you an example of how dark we have made a circus tent.

I hope that you are all well, happy, and finding a bit of peace in each day. Try and take a moment to appreciate someone in your life, yourself, and your ability to do so, for we are so fortunate to have the ability to do so.

Happy Sunday and to those that do Happy 420! 

Race for the Prize

Yesterday was an intense day of work, a labor of love. We arrived at the compound at 8:00 am to start painting. We quickly decided that if we were to premiere the movie that evening that we needed to step it up a few notches. This my friends is where technology came in to save the day. 

We rented two industrial paint sprayers. We finished the tent at 5:00 pm with the help of the sprayers. ( and the five of us working diligently) Even with the help of the sprayers it was still not an easy task. We were after all painting a circus tent made of vinyl in the wind. 

That being said we painted it black. While the others started preparing the seating I was handed the task to hang the lighting. *(40 feet in the air) I took neon green christmas lights and strung them from one support beam to the next. Then Michael and I set up the surround sound 5.1 system and calibrated it for the tent. 

At the same time Chris was putting green lights around the top of the tent. Things were starting to come together. We just finished putting in theater seating which Wayne procured from someone somewhere here in the city. At the minute that the last seats were put into place the first guests started arriving. 

It was amazing. We did it, with not a minute to spare. Now I'm not one to normally pat myself on the back but I do not believe that I have ever been so proud of the amount of work that we accomplished in such a short amount of time. Once the movie started it was amazing. It felt as if you were in a theater. Every bit of attention was on the film. We did it, we created a movie theater out of a circus tent. The sound system is so intense that at moments when the bass kicks in you eyeballs rattle. This is truly something to behold. I mean, after all, the Flaming Lips did have a hand in this. It was great, we did something amazing. We took one reality and turned it into another. Everyone bought it. 

Wayne's wife Michelle handed out popcorn, beer, and soda, every one settled in the lights went down and the movie was a hit. It was such a hit that at the very end the Oklahoma City Police arrived. This was at 9:30 pm. It was quickly apparent that not only my eyeballs rattled when the system boomed. If  you lived in the neighborhood you may have thought that a UFO hand landed somewhere nearby. 

Somewhere over Kansas at the moment those sounds are still floating in the air, rattling, rumbling, and roaring, that supersonic sound. So if you hear something in the middle of the night don't be alarmed, it just the Flaming Lips and Christmas on Mars. 

Saturday, April 19, 2008